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Adult Mandarin Courses


You may can choose between


1. Full Mandarin Course

Students who would like to learn spoken and written Mandarin.

Beginners will commence with Chinese Phonetics (Han Yu Pin Yin), Basic Strokes and Radicals. Students will then proceed with topical learning along with worksheets and storybook to improve their writing and reading skills.




2. Communications only

Students who would like to learn spoken Mandarin only. Beginners will begin with Chinese Phonetics - Han Yu Pin Yin. Students will then proceed with topical learning along with audio practices. 


We only provide private (1 to 1 or 2 to 1) classes at the moment. If you and your friends/family that can form more than 3 learners, do approach us for group rate. 


Learning Options: 

1. In Person - Students can attend classes at the centre.

2. Online - Students can learn Mandarin online via Skype. 

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